NLF forces supplied from nearby Laos have dug in along a vulnerable section of road and are threatening the supplies to the entire central highlands. Elements of the 4th US infantry division move to secure the crucial north-south corridor along national highway 14, in Kon Tum province. This map will also feature jungle hills as well as hidden ruins. Rivers, lakes, cities and jungle villages.
The fight will then expand into the flanks of the thick jungle. National Highway 14, in Kon Tum province, will offer a wide variety of terrain. While we wait for the details to come, check out the new maps added recently! National Highway 14, in Kon Tum provinceĪs the US Army pushes deeper into the map, players will fight for ground along the road. Greetings Rising Storm 2 fans! This week should bring some exciting news for the coming 1.08 update! However, over the weekend three new maps made their way into the official lineup. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - New community maps added to the official lineup